About Us
The Company was incorporated as a public limited company under the Indian Companies Act, 1956, in the name of Jindal Photo Investments and Finance Limited, pursuant to a certificate of incorporation dated Novenmber 12, 2011 and Certificate for Commencement of Business dated December 07, 2011, issued by the Registrar of Companies, Ahemadabad. The name of the company was changed to Jindal Photo Imaging Limited vide Shareholders resolution dated March 24, 2014 and a fresh certificate of incorporation was obtained on March 25, 2014. On March 21, 2018 the Registered Office of the company was changed from Union Territory of Dadrs and Nagar Haveli to Bulandhshahr, Uttar Pradesh-245408. Thereafter, the Name of the Company was again changed to Universus Photo Imagings Limited, vide Shareholders resolutioin dated December 11, 2019 and a fresh certificate of incorporation was obtained on December 12, 2019. The Company has state of the Art Plant facility for manufacturing of X-Ray Films & Other products at Dadra (UT-Dadra and Nagra Haveli)